Monday, July 30, 2012


It's not easy bearing the cause or weight of the family.

Decisions, decisions and decisions.

I used to cry upon considering the responsibilities, being the eldest. It meant going through a whole lot deal not many can comprehend.

Being the firstborn, we try to make our family proud. We try to give less worries to our families. Despite undergoing the tough, kept and sealed within our own lips only is what I think I do best.

The firstborn is the pride of the family. It means going a whole lot farther in being the perfect example. As the eldest, we take care of younger siblings. To love and to protect; to care and to shield.

Being the firstborn means experiencing the first mistakes no one can teach you to avoid. It means learning from it and guiding the younger ones to a better set of directions. It also means that we make the important decisions in almost all that there is out there.

The eldest lays their life and commitment to the family. Dreams follow up second. In our mind, the welfare of the family is often guarded way ahead and a duty we carry.

Not many can love, jealousy may arouse. What makes the firstborn set apart? To me, jealousy to siblings should not be a part of our heart. In my perspective, no matter how much desire wishes to lead, the love for the family is places above all else.

Firstborns have a special duty to the family. We were made to be born first, not by coincidence. God simply knew we were to lead, to be ready for the task and responsibility He has for us.

I always believe that sacrificing our own desires for the love of the family, as a duty plays an important role in uniting the family. The firstborns are always watched and observed by the younger siblings. To implant good values in the family begins from the leadership and love from the firstborns.

In this, I know, I wasn't made first by accident. He always has something bigger than what we can see from our mere eyes. For that, I'm glad that I was born as in a sequence of this.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hola Fi,
Just remember that what ever you face in life HE is always with you by your side.